As your partner, The Birchwood Group management team works to insure that your strategy and objectives are implemented as outlined by your iMAP.
Program recruitment bringing the audience to your message
Email campaign The cost-efficient, global properties of an email campaign make it an ideal tactic to support your marketing strategy or Internet program. An email campaign is designed to drive traffic to product or service promotions, program seminar schedules, research or info dissemination vehicles, contact or ordering areas. The actual campaign can either use email to deliver the link to the page, or the page itself can be incorporated into the email message.
- An initial campaign is sent in HTML newsletter format (with a plain text version as well), professionally designed with exciting graphics but simple instructions and automatic links to the primary website page.

- A secondary email is sent to non-responders, this time in plain text, gently reminding them to register.
- An opt in/out web enabled process is also put into place and directly updates your email/contact database.
Conventional Contact Methods If email addresses are limited, we also utilize conventional means such as:
- Direct mail Postcard Invitaitons - See our GoMailings Service
- Print advertising
- Telemarketing
... to fully reach your prospective audience.
Online Registration
All registration is done online so that we can update your a database highlighting interested parties that have opted into your program and fully track these participants throughout the process.

Web Advertising Additional web vehicles can be utilized including:
- website advertising via associations, partners, portals, and sponsors.
- And the latest hot vehicle, viral marketing, can be built in-to your email program and website presence with our “tell a colleague” module.
Registration Follow-up
- Upon sign-up/registration, guests receive an automatic email confirmation including detailed personalized instructions on how to participate
- A registration database with multi-segment scheduling options, is created with web enabled real time reporting that is downloadable to Excel for distribution.
- Additional follow up emails are also sent to registrants prior to each live event or as a reminder to attend an existing program
- Live event contact program:
- Next-day reminder to attend [including full instructions] - Day of the event reminder [with meeting link and step-by-step instructions] - Option to phone registrants the morning of the program as an additional reminder |