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No StarNo StarNo StarNo StarNo Star | Mar 3 2014, 5:47 PM | Print
Cpanel Users
ROOT sees all;
Resellers see their subordinates/customers (your jaybenk user is a reseller, and has control of (some) accounts) but not other users of the server
Users see only their own domain.

ROOT and Resellers have access to WHM, the "backend" control of administrative things on the server. Users do not.
ALL logins have access to cPanel, the "domain-level" controlpanel; their authority is limited by the user type : user/reseller/root.

ROOT alone has control of everything.

As to your numbered questions:

1, no, you cannot recover passwords. They are encrypted, with no chance (short of NSA-sized budget and likely quantum computers) to decrypt them.
2, yes, you can change the domain login password ; provides more info.
3, glad to hear that you've found the password! otherwise, you could have reset it to a new known value.

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